Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sakartvelo 5/20/10

The journey to Sakartvelo (as Georgians call their country) has been both a blessing and filled with continued challenges. After delays leaving the airport in Syracuse, holding patterns over the airport in New York, an hour delay in the flight to Istanbul and finally, lost bags, I arrived in Tbilisi. I was met at the airport by Misha (Member of Tbilisi Friends Worship Group and former clerk) and Maia (the AVP facilitator that  I will be working with here in Tbilisi). What a warm welcome! We spent a couple of hours talking about AVP and how we will plan and do workshops and with whom and settling into the flat where I will be staying during our five week sojourn. Many members of the Worship Group hope to become AVP facilitators and so they will be part of our first workshop. Others, including some members of the refugee communities, one of Maia's daughters, and possibly Kety's (who translated our manual and who lives in Florida) sister are hoping to become facilitators as well. We will meet with members of the worship group on Sunday before meeting for worship (6:00 pm) to talk about workshops. I am very excited about seeing all my friends from last trip and to meet attenders who have started attending since my last trip. Since January of 2009 the numbers of members approved by FWCC have doubled (now eight) while more attenders come. We will spend time this afternoon with Misha shopping for food and supplies in the major market in Tbilisi. For me, despite the challenges of the trip, I feel bouyed up and carried forward on a current of pure and Holy energy. I am clear that that energy is a response of Spirit generated by all who hold  me and our work in Sakartvelo in the Light: in prayer. I know that network reaches far beyond people that I have had direct contact with to those who have simply heard of the work that we are here to do and of the plight of the people of Sakartvelo and so are holding us. I am so grateful for that! As I traveled yesterday I found myself amazed at the level of courage that learning to trust in God (a continuing process) has brought me. There is some wonderment that I am called to be in the midst of this work and yet, the Call seems clear - it has been tested again and again. Some might call it pure, brash hutzpah but it is not that. There is trembling within. My only response is to consistently turn it over to God. My constant prayer: Let my words be Thy Words. Let my will be Thy Will. Help me to be your Peace.


  1. My response to your story of faithfulness is often expressed in tears and shivers. Now is no exception. I am holding you in the Light.

  2. Thank you for your service and for creating this blog so we can follow along!

    Elizabeth Gordon
