Sunday, April 25, 2010

On the way to the Republic of Georgia

For months now I have been working with a small Worship Group in the Republic of Georgia to bring the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) back to that country. Last year I traveled to Georgia and visited with Friends. I expected to be back long before this but complications with my health and timing with Friends in Georgia have interceded. There are still challenges to overcome: I'm still working to get finances in place - the packing, the making of bean bags - all little things. On May 18th this phase of the Journey will begin as I travel to the Republic of Georgia. The preparations with my employer have tested my resolve and faithfulness as they refused my request for a five week leave of absence; only being willing to grant me a two week leave. I have spent a great deal of time testing with others, with my oversight committee and praying for guidance. In the end, I was clear that I am led to this work and so gave notice. May 14th will be my last day of employment. Having made this decision and carried it out, I feel at peace. I don't know what will come next but I am sure that God will provide.

1 comment:

  1. you are missed....may the universal love and light guide your are in my prayers...
